Maintenance management software: what to consider when choosing yours

What you will find in this text:

  1. What is Maintenance Management Software
  2. What to Consider when Choosing Maintenance Management Software
  3. The Benefits of Maintenance Management Software
  4. When Maintenance Management Software is Needed

Maintenance is a constant and challenging aspect of many industries. When it comes to managing and maintaining business assets, it can soon become overwhelming. One piece of equipment might be composed of a myriad of parts with differing maintenance requirements.

There may be a wealth of spare parts held for this machinery, and you may have dozens of these machines across several premises. Keeping track of it all is certainly not going to be easy if you’re relying on your maintenance team to keep on top of everything, and tracking scheduled maintenance in a spreadsheet.

There soon comes a time when your business reaches a size where maintenance management needs to be computerized. This is the time to implement maintenance management software. 

What is Maintenance Management Software

Maintenance Management Software is a digitized system to effectively and efficiently manage all your maintenance processes. It can also bring together data from various sources in order to accurately predict potential maintenance issues and failures before they happen, alerting you to the likelihood of issues so you can put in place well-informed proactive, rather than reactive strategies.  Good maintenance management software will increase the lifespan of assets, save time and money, boost productivity, and much more.

What to Consider when Choosing Maintenance Management Software

The world of maintenance management software is fast moving. It’s important to implement software that is innovative and cutting edge, or you could soon find yourself with an outdated system. Consider your own needs. You’ll need a system that will integrate with your own enterprise management system, and with any IoT devices you use.

If you have several premises, remote workers, or you simply want to keep an eye on your maintenance processes anytime you choose from any location, then you should ensure your maintenance management solution offers mobile access. For the most benefit going forward, a system that makes good use of AI and machine learning for advanced analysis is also a wise choice.

Finally, while advanced functionality is a must, it should not be at the expense of a user-friendly system that you and your staff can easily engage with.

The Benefits of Maintenance Management Software

The benefits of maintenance management software go far beyond simply helping with the organization of your maintenance issues. When you implement this type of system, you’ll discover many advantages, some of which include…

Problems solved faster 

A good maintenance system connected to IoT devices will alert you quickly to any issues, allowing you to make fast repairs and avoid catastrophic events. The system can automatically allocate maintenance work according to geographical location, ensuring a team member is able to get to where they are needed quickly.

Additionally, with asset tracking, the system can make sure that the spare parts you need are always in stock, place orders when required, and quickly locate these resources when they are needed. 

Improved productivity

You’ll enjoy less downtime which of course leads to increased productivity. Your workforce and your equipment will be working to maximum capacity, so your business can meet deadlines and exceed all customers’ expectations. 

Lower outgoings 

Your maintenance management system will help you to reduce downtime, cut down on waste and increase the lifespan of your assets. All this, in turn, saves your business money.

Better workforce management 

Allocating and scheduling work can be managed by the system, so you can utilize the full potential of your workforce. You will ensure a fair division of labor and you’ll also vastly reduce time spent on administration and manual maintenance management tasks.  

Data that is increasingly valuable over time

Your maintenance management system will gather data from a variety of sources. Over time, this data will become progressively valuable and with clever use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, highly insightful information can be obtained, making the system more accurate and offering even better predictions. 

Improved safety and compliance

Preventative measures carefully implemented to avoid failures will help to keep workers safe. Any equipment that has repeated faults will quickly be brought to your attention, and with IoT sensors, the scale of a problem can be reduced by being quickly alerted to a problem, such as an abnormal operating temperature.

With a large amount of data collected, traceability of assets, repairs, replacements, inspections, and regular maintenance is recorded and easily retrieved, putting you in good stead for compliance and audit purposes. 

When Maintenance Management Software is Needed

How do you know when you need maintenance management software? There are perhaps a few points to look out for that could indicate it’s time to implement maintenance management software. One such point would be if you’re having regular unexpected failures that are causing problems.

A failure of one small part can cause entire production lines to halt. It can also cause a machine to be unsafe, putting your staff in danger. Maintenance management software uses AI and machine learning to predict failures before they happen. When it’s not an emergency situation, equipment can be maintained proactively, maintenance and repairs can be scheduled for a suitable time, and so safety for staff is maintained and downtime is eliminated.

Or perhaps you’re finding that maintenance is beginning to get overly complicated, ruled by guesswork, and regular maintenance and inspections are being overlooked, delayed, or not undertaken correctly. Again, maintenance management software will enable you to properly schedule many types of maintenance, both reactive and proactive, allocate tasks to your maintenance team, and ensure full traceability of all work conducted.

If you’re failing to hit deadlines due to maintenance problems, you’re having trouble keeping track of assets and spare parts, or you’d simply like to have a clearer overview of your assets and their maintenance, then maintenance management software could certainly be of benefit to you.  

In this fast-paced world, getting maintenance issues under control fast is imperative. For this, you need a maintenance management solution you can depend on.

A system that will take you into the future with ease, using the latest technology to give you the greatest insight into your maintenance processes, saving you time and money and reducing downtime and stress.

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