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improve operational efficiency

Automate tasks and improve operational efficiency

Reduce costs

Reduce costs and extend the lifespan of your assets

enhance reliability

Monitor in real time and enhance reliability

advanced data analysis

Predict failures with advanced data analysis


Fracttal is your solution

From the foundations of digitalization to world-class maintenance

To digitalize maintenance

Check Gestión digital de órdenes de trabajo Geolocation and QR identification of assets

Check Mantenimiento basado en condición Efficient management of requests and work orders

Check Catálogos de activos digitalizados Task activation based on time, usage, events, or meter readings

Check Informes en tiempo real Time and location tracking for operators

Check Informes en tiempo real User-friendly app with offline mode

Check Notificaciones y alertas Real-time reports and KPIs

Check Gestión de almacenes e inventario Coordination with suppliers and clients

Check Modo offline en cualquier dispositivo Notifications, alerts, and WhatsApp

Check Gestión de accesos y usuarios Warehouse and inventory management

To automate operations

Check Automatización del mantenimiento basado en condición con IoT Asset monitoring and automated alerts

Check Gestión de solicitudes automatizada Condition-based maintenance automation with IoT

Check Gestión de solicitudes automatizada Automated request management

Check Automatización avanzada de tareas, comunicaciones, alertas y notificaciones Automated communication with suppliers and clients

Check Automatización avanzada de tareas, comunicaciones, alertas y notificaciones Automatic work order assignment

Check Informes personalizados en tiempo real Custom real-time reports

Check Mantenimiento predictivo Predictive analytics and intelligent prescriptions

To unify data sources

Check Integraciones ágiles con ERPs, softwares y bases de datos ERP integration: inventories, supplier tasks, and more

Check Integraciones ágiles con ERPs, softwares y bases de datos Connection with databases and other cloud applications

Check Conexión con IoT por Fracttal Sense, PLC, OPC o SCADAConnection with IoT via Fracttal Sense, PLC, OPC, or SCADA

Check Integraciones avanzadas con APIs Advanced integrations with APIs

Check Soporte y documentación Support and documentation

Check Seguridad en las integraciones ISO 27.001-certified security

Check Privacidad de los datos Data privacy

Check Servicio de integraciones llave en mano Turnkey integration service

To optimize your operations with AI

Check Predicciones automáticas de mantenimiento Automatic maintenance predictions

Check Chat con IA para soporte y recomendaciones AI chat for support and recommendations

Check Creación de activos desde una imagen Asset creation from an image

Check Generación automática de tareas predictivas Automatic generation of predictive tasks

Check Generación automática de tareas predictivas Recommendation of effective plans and checklists

Check Análisis de datos para optimizar el rendimiento Data analysis to optimize performance

Check Detección de patrones para evitar fallos inesperados Pattern detection to prevent unexpected failures

Leading companies choose Fracttal

360º Support

We put all our knowledge at your disposal.
Become a maintenance expert and train your teams.

Acompañamiento 360º

icon-soporte Support Team

Support Team Get your questions answered with our support service localized in your region, speaking your language, and available 24/7

icon-onboarding Onboarding

The project team accompanies you throughout the entire process of software implementation, migration, and integration.

 Mantenipedia y Guías Técnicas Mantenipedia and Technical Guides

Clarify your doubts with our virtual maintenance encyclopedia: calculators, technical guides, and key concepts.

Manuales Fracttal One Fracttal Manuals

Find the answers in the documentation for each module. Still have questions? Ask Tony, your new virtual assistant.

icon-fracttal-academy Fracttal Academy

Specialize in digital asset maintenance management and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

icon-fracttal-university Fracttal University

Profesionaliza tus conocimientos y obtén certificaciones en nuestros webinars y clases online.

Mapa Fracttal